Tugas 1 PBO B

Dibawah ini merupakan hasil Outputnya : Dibawah ini merupakan hasil tampilan dari bagian class : Dibawah ini merupakan Source Codenya :
  * Write a description of class Tugas1PBOB here.  
  * @author (M Thalut Nadhil Q)  
  * @version (1/202020202020)  
 public class Tugas1PBOB  
   // instance variables - replace the example below with your own  
   private int x;  
    * Constructor for objects of class Tugas1PBOB  
   public Tugas1PBOB()  
     // initialise instance variables  
     x = 0;  
     System.out.print("Tugas #PBOB-Tugas1\n");   
     System.out.print("Nama \t\t: M Thalut Nadhil Q\n");   
     System.out.print("Kelas \t\t: PBO B\n");   
     System.out.print("Alamat Rumah \t: Jln. Panjang Cidodol, komplek lemigas Blok A nomor 5, Jakarta Selatan\n");   
     System.out.print("Email \t\t: thalut.nadhil@gmail.com\n");   
     System.out.print("Blog \t\t: thalutn.blogspot.com\n");   
     System.out.print("No HP/WA \t: 08119126767\n");  
     System.out.print("Twitter \t: @NadhilThalut");  
    * An example of a method - replace this comment with your own  
    * @param y a sample parameter for a method  
    * @return  the sum of x and y  
   public int sampleMethod(int y)  
     // put your code here  
     return x + y;  


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Tugas 2 PBKK